Aimed at employees and customers in Business, Socio-Cultural and Environmental policies.
Business and Economic Policy: Sustainable Management focused on Fair Trade, Human Resources management, safety management, communication and ethical marketing, as well as Education for Sustainability, equitable distribution of income among families and community.
Environmental Policy: Reduction, Classification and Reuse of waste Preference environment friendly products, proper utilization and conservation of water and energy, conservation and protection of biodiversity and adaptation and mitigation of climate change, promoting harmony with nature.
Socio cultural policies: Saving, re-evaluating, preserving and disseminating cultural expressions and traditional, based on legislation protecting the cultural, legal and ethical heritage in working practices and contribution to local development, strengthening community organizational harmony.
Earth Association Yachaqs:
- We reject, denounce and condemn the Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents-ESNAA.
- We assume the Juvenile Code and adolescents, as early protection against all types of labor exploitation.
- Our families embrace the principles of comprehensive care of children and adolescents.