Approximately 60 families are living in this community, with a total population of approximately 380 persons with the neighboring community Huama.
The principal activities are agriculture, animal rearing and horticulture.
The community is characterized by their organizational model, the structure and order that they maintain. It still has its traditional organizational structure, having the maximum authority, The Varayoc chosen for a period of two years and still uses the ancestral pututo (traditional sea shell) to call for the communal gatherings and important meetings.
The community has developed an activity for its visitors out of its abundant resources in combination with its myths and legends. The activity they offer consists of a short hike to the foot of an Andean mountain where they explain the advantages of the achupalla plant, a gift from their God Wiracocha. The plant is used as a natural medicine, to produce tools, kitchen furnishing, fuel, nourishment for the youngest animals and much more.
Some of their typical dishes: The Cuy C’anca, roasted guinea pig made in their muddy traditional stove Carmen stove. The typical drink is the chicha de jora (fermented corn)
Some of the most important celebrations are the Anniversary of the Community, the 30th of October, and the Carnival between February and March.
Related activities to the Janac Chuquibamba community: