
The Cachiccata community has about 80 families with approximately 310 people.

Cacchicata is located at 9 kilometers from Ollantaytambo, near to the entrance to the magnificent Machupicchu. The quarries of Cacchicata is most important attraction; the slopes were exploited in large scale during the period of the Incas; here the stones were chosen and transported to the archaeological site of Ollantaytambo with own techniques for transport based on rolling and pushing the rocks. Along the way it is possible to find huge rocks, partly finished, that were in the process of being transported. You can also find pre-hispanic chullpas (funeral monuments).

The most representative meal is La Merienda dish with guinea pig. The typical drink as most of the communities on the sacred Valley is la Chicha de jora (drink from fermented corn).

The most representative festivities are on July 16th “Virgin of Carmen”or as they call Mamacha Carmen. And on Jun 21th time of solistice, from where the quarries you can observe the sunrise shiny to the Paqaritampu pyramids.


Related activities to the Cachiccata community:

Route of the Tired Stone